Dragons Series

Hi evreyone! This is the entire first batch of my Dragons series. Five illustrations with the classic coloured dragons: red, green, blue, black and white. If you want to purchase a fine art print of one of them or the entire batch just write me an email or use the form on the contact page!

Little Red Riding Hood

110419_Red Hood_MD
Little Red Riding Hood

A slightly darker version of the famous fable character! Enjoy!

Crumblin’ Tower

Crumblin' Tower
Crumblin’ Tower

This is a landscape I made just for fun a few days ago. I love old and crumbling structures. Is this tower stil inhabited? Nobody knows, but… is that a light coming from the window?

Cloud Castle

Cloud Castle
Cloud Castle

This is one of my latest paintings. It’s digital but I tried once again to convey a traditional oil painting look to it. Hope you like it!


Stardust City

Stardust City
Stardust City

First landscape after some time. I love cities built into asteroids. I hope some day we will build one. Until then I’ll just paint them!



This is a concept I realized for a cyber-techno-punk story, where mankind relies heavily on technological implants to evolve. Nothing previously unheard of, but I liked the Giger-ish atmosphere.

Spider Witch

Spider Witch
Spider Witch

This is my Spider Witch, a character I realized for the Horror Contest in the Digital Artist Group, on Facebook. It’s not so horrible if you’re not arachnophobic, but I hope you like it!

The Reading Princess

The Reading Princess
The Reading Princess

This is The Reading Princess, my latest work. I painted this starting with color and not greyscale as usual. If you have any questions or comments please let me know!

Something to Catch the Eye

Something to Catch the Eye
Something to Catch the Eye

Hi everyone!

This time I’ve realized something a little different and with a little more narrative than what I usually do. I put this painting into the Characters section, even though this is clearly an illustration and not a character design.

Let me know what you think about it and leave a comment if you like!

Some new paintings

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all well. Personally, I got the flu so I could stay way better but I won’t complain! During winter vacations I’ve neglected the site mainly because where I usually go there’s no internet connection and so I have to rely heavily on my phone, which is why I couldn’t upload new paintings for a while.

But now I’m back! And I’ve brought a whole lot of new works with me. This one won’t be the usual post centered on one painting only. Instead I will batch all of them in one post.

I’m personally very happy with the look of some of them and I’d really love to hear a word from you! Which one do you prefer? I’ve chosen Majestic Universe to represent the post because it has received very good praising on social media, but I hope you’ll like the others as well.

Till next time!